Historic Preservation and Protection Districts
Fort Wayne City Code Chapter 151: Historic Preservation and Protection Ordinance
Historic Preservation Commission Guidelines & Policies
Historic Preservation Commission Guidelines (Adopted June, 2009)
HPC Policy on External HVAC Equipment (Adopted November 27, 2023)
HPC Policy on Slate Roofs (Adopted November 27, 2023)
HPC Policy on Metal Roofs (Adopted April 22, 2024)
HPC Policy on Solar Panels (Adopted May 20, 2024)
Historic Preservation Commission Applications
Certificate of Appropriateness Application
Information about Design Review
Petition for Local Historic Property or District Designation
What is a Certificate of Appropriateness?
A Certificate of Appropriateness is a document received from the Historic Preservation Commission stating that specific work has been approved by the Commission. A Certificate of Appropriateness is required before most exterior work begins and before a building permit can be issued for properties located in Local Historic Districts. Changes involving new construction, reconstruction, alteration, demolition, major maintenance, exterior color changes, and the introduction of fences, walls, lighting fixtures, permanent landscaping, etc. require a Certificate of Appropriateness.
There are two types of approval, Staff or Commission, and the process and documentation will depend on the type. Before beginning a project or submitting an application, it is recommended that applicants call (260) 427-8311 and ask for an Historic Preservation Planner, or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for design review (see the link above to view information about design review) to determine which type your project will require. HPC staff will help you with the process. There is no charge for filing a Certificate of Appropriateness.
Completed applications should be sent or delivered to the address listed at the bottom of the application. See the link above to view the certificate of appropriateness application.
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