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What is the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC)?

The Fort Wayne Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) is a seven-member mayoral appointed body. Commission members are residents of the City who are interested in the preservation and development of historic areas and include professionals with experience related to history, architecture, construction, and other disciplines related to historic preservation. Qualified Historic Preservation Planners in the City's Community Development Division serve as staff to the HPC. The HPC is empowered to preserve and protect historically or architecturally worthy buildings, structures, sites and districts which serve as visible reminders of the historic heritage of the city.  The HPC enforces the provisions found in the Internal Link Fort Wayne Historic Preservation and Protection Ordinance (Chapter 151 of City Code).

Historic Preservation Commission Members

Bowers, Tyler: Chair, Homeowner in the West Central LHD/NR Historic District
(Term expires December 31, 2026)

Borton, Tony: Homeowner & Property Owner in the Williams Woodland Park LHD/NR Historic District
(Term expires December 31, 2024)

Eagleson, Sam: Licensed Contractor
(Term expires December 31, 2026)

Franke, Jessica: Architect, Master in Historic Preservation
(Term expires December 31, 2026)

Hower, Emily: Architect, Minor in Historic Preservation
(Term expires December 31, 2025)

Uribe, Moises: Property Owner in an LHD, Homeowner in a NR Historic District, Senior Loan Mortgage Officer
(Term expires December 31, 2025)

Walker, Beth: Realtor
(Term expires December 31, 2024)

Historic Preservation Staff

Creager Smith: Planner II - Historic Preservation & Culture
Phone: (260) 427-2161 / E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Nate Lefever: Planner - Historic Preservation & Culture
Phone: (260) 427-2523  / E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

District Administration

For locally designated historic properties and conservation districts, the HPC and staff provide Internal Link Design Review, and issue approvals for changes to designated properties that are subject to public view.

Public Meetings

The HPC schedules monthly public meetings to review requests for proposed changes to locally designated historic properties. The Commission meets on the fourth Monday of most months at 5:30 p.m. in the OMNI Room (basement) of Citizens Square (date and location are subject to change). The public is welcome to attend all meetings of the Fort Wayne Historic Preservation Commission. See Internal Link Agendas.

The HPC has granted its staff permission to approve Internal Link Certificates of Appropriateness in certain situations. In these cases, review by the full commission is not necessary. Ask the HPC staff if a Commission Review or staff approval is applicable for your project.

Technical Assistance

    • The HPC staff is available to the public to provide design assistance and technical information related to the restoration and rehabilitation of historic buildings.
    • Architectural and historic research assistance is available from HPC staff to groups or individuals involved in revitalizing historic areas and/or the rehabilitation or interpretation of historic properties.
    • Assistance is available with the preparation of both Local Historic District petitions and National Register of Historic Places nominations.
    • The staff assists other city and county departments and non-profit agencies undertaking projects that affect historic areas and buildings.
    • HPC staff assists neighborhoods interested in historic or conservation district designation.

Preservation Planning

The HPC staff assists neighborhood associations, businesses and others in interpreting and implementing approved Neighborhood and Community Development Plans. The staff also has the task of revising and updating adopted plans and reports as well as providing the historic components of other plans prepared by the City.

Environmental Review

The Historic Preservation Act of 1966 mandates detailed analysis of historic significance, determination of potential eligibility for listing on the National Register, and the assessment of the effect that federally funded projects have on eligible buildings or areas. The HPC staff provides required historic preservation review for some federally funded projects such as housing rehabilitation programs.

Other Services Provided by HPC Staff

    • Design Assistance (HPC staff cannot prepare your plans or design your project)
    • Assistance selecting exterior paint colors
    • Assistance selecting building materials
    • Assistance developing landscaping plansHP pink house web
    • Research assistance including:
      • Historic Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps
      • Extensive building information files
      • Historic photos of Fort Wayne
      • National Register nominations
      • Local Historic District nominations
      • General product information (HPC cannot make product recommendations)
      • On-site technical support
    • Information on:
      • Paint colors
      • Architectural history and styles
      • Historic interior design
      • Landscape architecture
      • Renovation and rehabilitation
      • Building materials and construction
      • Fort Wayne History