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The Historic Preservation Commission is involved with three possible types of historic districts in Fort Wayne: local historic districts, local conservation districts, and districts listed on the National Register of Historic Places. These three types of district designation are separate and independent. One property may have more than one type of designation. Local historic districts and National Register listings may also contain a single building or historic resource. The Local Historic District designation is the most common. To download a Petition for Local Historic Property or District Designation, visit Internal Link Guidelines & Applications.

For more information about the meaning of each designation, the benefits received from each designation and the process by which to apply, please download the appropriate PDF:

Read a newsletter article discussing Fort Wayne's Local Historic Districts pdfhere.  

What historic sites are in Fort Wayne?

Fort Wayne has many historic sites. To best view them all, visit External Link Allen County iMap and do the following steps:

  • Click on the Layers button near the top right of the window.


  • Click on the two empty boxes next to Local Historic Districts and National Register (NR) of Historic Places.


  • The National Register (NR) of Historic Places category can be expanded by clicking the > symbol which allows you to individually turn on or off NR: Individually Listed properties, NR Historic Districts (HD), and the Park & Boulevard HD (NR).


Selected items below have links to maps or additional information. Please see below.

pdfAtlantis Travel Building

pdfBlackstone Building

pdfBrookview-Irvington National Register District

pdfBusiness Equipment Company

pdfCathedral of Immaculate Conception

pdfColumbia Avenue Historic District

pdfDr. Merchant W. Huxford House

pdfDr. Robert and Susie McKeeman House

pdfForest Park Boulevard Historic District

pdfFort Wayne Parks & Boulevard System National Register District

pdfFort Wayne Printing

pdfFoster Park Neighborhood Historic District

pdfIllsley Place - West Rudisill Historic District

pdfIndian Village Historic District

pdfInternational Harvester Tower

pdfKnights of Pythias

pdfKresge-Groth Block

pdfLafayette Place Historic District

pdfNorth Anthony Blvd National Register District

pdfOakdale Historic District

pdfPrairie Grove Chapel and Cemetery

pdfRahe-Foster-Sack House

pdfRev. Jesse & Ionie White House

pdfSalomon Farm

pdfSchmitz Block

pdfSchroeder's Clothing

pdfShawnee Place Historic District

pdfSmith Field

pdfSouth Side Farmer's Market

pdfSouth Wayne Historic District

pdfSouthwood Park Historic District

pdfSt. Peter's Square

pdfSt. Vincent Villa

pdfThe Landing

pdfWest Central Historic District

pdfWildwood Park Historic District

pdfWilliams Woodland Park Historic District