"To make sure that Fort Wayne has an active transportation infrastructure network that safely connects people to destinations, City staff – with input from the public and the Walk Fort Wayne Advisory Team – prepared the Walk Fort Wayne Plan. This Plan takes a comprehensive approach to ensuring and encouraging safe pedestrian connectivity along our City's thoroughfares" – Mayor Tom Henry.
Click WALK FORT WAYNE to download the plan, which includes an explanation of how the plan was developed, maps showing areas and specific segments of missing sidewalk which are desired to allow pedestrians access to concentrations of desired destinations, steps towards educating the public on the benefits of walking, legislation efforts to enable implementation of the plan, planning for maintenance, safe routes to school, and proposed implementation.
Priority projects have begun being implemented since the Walk Fort Wayne Plan was approved by the Common Council of the City of Fort Wayne in 2011. Fort Wayne residents will be able to see new pedestrian improvements along the city's major roadways. These new pedestrian facilities, which include sidewalks, crosswalks and shared-use paths, will greatly increase connectivity and accessibility within the City of Fort Wayne. To see the list of projects completed so far, please click Priority Projects. The images shown for projects are representative of each project, but may not show the entire project.
Other organizations interested in planning for or advocating for pedestrian connectivity