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The Redevelopment Commission promotes and implements economic development projects, acting as a catalyst to redevelop blighted and other areas that have shown a cessation of growth and lack of development, especially in the downtown area.  This is done through techniques including real estate acquisition, site preparation, and infrastructure development. Financing resources generally used are Tax Incremental Financing and Redevelopment General Obligation Bonds.  Formed in September 1959, the Redevelopment Commission consists of five voting members appointed by the Mayor and the Common Council of the City of Fort Wayne and a nonvoting member appointed the Fort Wayne Community School Board of School Trustees. The Commissioners serve on an annual basis and are supported by an Executive Director, whom they appoint, and a staff which is housed within the City’s Community Development Division.

Redevelopment Commissioners
Steve Corona
Nathan Hartman
Christopher Guerin
Greg Leatherman
Tom Didier
Jennifer Matthias - School Board Appointee
Lawrence Shine - Commission Attorney

Link to IC 36-7-14, Redevelopment of Areas Needing Redevelopment Generally; Redevelopment Commissions