The City of Fort Wayne and Allen County are issuing a request for proposals to create the community’s next comprehensive plan.
The City and County are seeking a consulting team to develop a plan that will: create a shared vision for future growth and development, encompass meaningful and inclusive public engagement, identify stakeholders, establish clear guidance with a user-friendly document, and establish an achievable implementation plan. Proposals are due July 16 and City and County leaders anticipate having a final contract by late fall. The project is expected to kick off in January 2020.
The community’s last comprehensive plan, called Plan-it Allen, was adopted in 2007 and was the first time a local comprehensive plan was created jointly by the City and County. Many of the elements of that plan are now outdated or have since been accomplished. The next comprehensive plan will again be a joint effort of the City and County and will provide guidance for the City of Fort Wayne, Allen County, and the communities of Huntertown, Grabill, Monroeville and Woodburn.
The creation of comprehensive plans is governed by state law. Comprehensive plans set the vision for the future growth and development of an area; they are created under the leadership of a plan commission or several plan commissions.
Throughout the planning process, there will be significant opportunity for public engagement. Public comment is essential because the final plan will provide guidance to decision makers and elected officials regarding land use and zoning, policy creation and capital improvements.
The request for proposals can be found at: or by visiting and clicking on Public Bidding Opportunities on the right side menu.