McMillen Community Center
The new and improved McMillen Community Center was opened in June 2014 and provides state-of-the-art recreation facilities for Fort Wayne residents. It met Legacy requirements because it helps stabilize an area in need and promotes recreation for the community's youth. Read the original news release here. Find out more here.
Youth Sports Community Assessment
The Legacy Fort Wayne Task Force recommendation for the Youth / Prep Sports Initiative stated that we should "Build on our existing strengths to make Fort Wayne a first-choice destination for youth/prep sports." The Youth Sports Community Assessment and Market Potential Study is complete and is helping establish which youth sports projects are marketable and make the most sense for Fort Wayne.
World Baseball Academy Lighting Project
Legacy funding helped provide lighting for the World Baseball Academy and maximize the use of the fields for tournaments and local play. The funding helped leverage private investment and establish a sports program that serves thousands of area youth each year.