Other Tips
Try switching at least one car trip per week to a trip by bicycle. Trips by bike that are two miles or less are as fast as, if not faster than, driving a car. Try riding to the library, to go out to eat, or for a quick grocery trip. You'll be surprised by how fun and easy it is!
Thursday March 12
Bring your work clothes and any necessary toiletries to your workplace the day or week before you ride
Thursday March 12
- Consider parking at one of the parks connected to downtown through the trails network, such as Johnny Appleseed, Kreager, Foster, or Rockhill, and riding from there
- For more information, please see: http://fwtrails.org/files/2014FWTTrailMap.pdf
Thursday March 12
- Find out if your employer has secure indoor bike parking; if not, use a U-lock with a cable or a heavy duty chain lock.
- At a minimum, lock the frame of your bike, but also try to secure both wheels and other components if they are easily removable
- Ensure that what you lock your bike to is secured to the ground
Thursday March 12